Research Services
KARA provides two types of Research Services, Basic and Detailed. Below are the listed details including all the documents that are covered in each form of Research Service.
KARA Research Services

Research Basic
$35.00 per hour
KARA Basic Research Service
All Basic Research Orders $35.00 per hour
Minimum of two hours.
Please purchase 2 units minimum.
Conducted in the following types of documents for Post-1851:
- census and assessment,
- newspapers,
- directories,
- local histories,
- family histories
- church records.
At Checkout, please use the “Order Notes” on your order to tell us the details of your research request. Thank you!

Research Detailed
$ 60.00 per hour
KARA Detailed Research Service
All Detailed Research Orders $ 60.00 per hour
Minimum of two hours.
Detailed Research incorporates the basic level of research with additional types of documents:
- census and assessment,
- newspapers,
- directories,
- local histories,
- family histories
- church records.
- local land records
- wills
- complex newspaper searching
- church records
Questions About Research
Looking for a Research Service but a little unsure about everything? Send us an email. We will attend to your Questions. In addition, if you have interest in KARA and would like to know more about us, or have general questions feel free to reach out to us.